A lifecare planner’s primary responsibility is to evaluate the plaintiff’s needs and create a detailed plan for future care. This budget could include costs for injury-related medical care, rehabilitation, equipment and assistive technology, home modifications, and other costs. To ensure that the plan is complete and includes all necessary costs, they closely collaborate with medical professionals.
In personal injury lawsuits, lifecare planners are crucial because they serve as a liaison between physicians and attorneys to make sure the injured plaintiff gets the best care and support possible after their injury. The plaintiff’s major goal is to determine the added expenses they will have to pay to maintain a decent level of health while taking into account their new limits.
Additionally, lifecare planners could provide professional testimony in court to bolster the plaintiff’s case. They can describe how much the plaintiff’s medical expenses will cost as well as how the damage will affect their capacity to work and engage in daily activities. This evidence can help the jury reach a just and reasonable verdict by helping them comprehend the full scope of the plaintiff’s damages.
In summary, the role of a lifecare planner in a personal injury lawsuit is to provide crucial support to the plaintiff and ensure that they receive the care and resources necessary to maintain a reasonable level of health. They act as advocates for the plaintiff, making sure that their needs are met and that they receive fair compensation for their injuries.